Connexions 2
How to Use > Group Mode
Group mode is the mechanism to be able to create groups on any environment by creating alternative groups on the environment on which it is technically impossible to create normal groups of iOS. Group mode has the normal mode and local mode. You can select the group mode setting from “Automatic” and “Local”.
In normal mode, Connexions 2 creates and displays normal groups of iOS. Normal groups are shared with other apps such as the Contacts app. In local mode, Connexions 2 creates and displays local groups only used in Connexions 2. Local groups are not shared with other apps.
When the group mode setting is “Automatic”, Connexions 2 automatically determines whether to run in the normal mode or local mode. When it is technically impossible to create normal groups, Connexions 2 runs in the local mode. You can check the current mode in the setting screen. When the group mode setting is “Local”, Connexions 2 runs in the local mode.
Note the followings about the group mode.
  • It is not possible to display normal groups and local groups together.
  • Local groups are deleted when you delete the app.
  • If you set the Contacts setting in your account setting to OFF, all members in local groups are ungrouped. You cannot undo it.